Friday, January 26, 2007

It all started last summer with much prayer and wrestling with God. The wrestling was over my singleness and the idea that He might send me to a missionary!! (Not sure what the Africa thing was all about) I had such a burning to serve but the thought of missions and singleness scared me deep down. I found myself afraid to pray as I sensed this was exactly where he was leading. But as he usually does, in the most gentle way, God spoke to my heart and I began to pray and trust.
My friend Ellen and I spoke at length about what I was feeling and she too prayed for direction. One afternoon she sat me down and showed me what she felt the Lord had directed her to, YWAM. We looked at a few programs they offer for people my age.. :) and I decided to really seek the Lord on this avenue.
It wasn't long before I knew God was calling me to pursue YWAM and an opportunity to experience the mission field. I sent for an application and got busy. About three months, a passport and 15 pages later I submitted by application for prayer. The week after Christmas I received a letter from YWAM stating that I had been accepted for a program they offer; Crossroads Discipleship Training School. "WOW" and "I need you Lord" is all I could think. I'm headed to England in April and likely on to the Philippines in July and August. Visit to see where I'll be and what I'll be doing.
What a process it is to get your life ready to leave the country for 5 months!!! Stay tuned...there is much more to tell.


Hope_G said...

Cindy, I am so proud of you!! I am looking forward to 'walking' along side of you with prayer and support. I love the heart for the Lord that you have! Hope

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! I'm so thankful for all that the Lord has done... and even more excited about what I know He must have in store for you - His precious daughter! You are such a blessing and an inspiration. Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
So far, so good. At least I found my way this far on your blog. : ) I'm glad to see you stepping out by faith and trusting the Lord to supply all your need. It's inspiring! I believe it makes Jesus proud to see you put your hand to the plow and not look back. Wherever He leads, in the end, it'll be worth it all.
Speaking for the team, we'll be praying for you. (even if I fail at this blog thing in the future, I know Hope will keep us informed! : )
Love, Ellen

mom said...

What an adventure you are going to have. This is only a small portion of what God has in store for you. Remember try daily post because I will be their everyday, can't get there in 3. Faith is on so wonderful and God has the plan. I love you and am so very fortunate to have you my daughter.

Hope_G said...

How about another post!! I KNOW you got stuff going on you could be blogging!! :)

Anonymous said...

What a wild ride it is when we venture out with God! I am so grateful for how faithful God has been in your life and also for how teachable you have been. It doesn't have to be easy but it does have to be true. You, dear sister, have found truth and are walking in it. You encourage me!
Bless you,