hello friends...
Here at the internet cafe..not the hot and sweaty one today, ac feels nice. Much hotter here in Bohol but not as humid. It is a beautiful Island filled with beautiful people. Poverty is less as the locals are supported by tourism. We met with the mayor a few days ago and he was very proud that most of the people here have money to eat. He was a nice man and we were able to pray with him before we left his office.
We left Saturday morning at 5 am for our 3 hour journey to Trinidad...what an adventure!!! Upon arrival we were escorted to our sleeping quarters..a one room school house and the walls went half way up, concrete floor, toilet a hundred yards away and a dip well shower...BUT AWESOME!! The floor was hard to sleep on and the CR (comfort room, toilet) was pretty rough but overall a good night of camping. :)
We met up with a young pastor who is working in this small town...he was happy to have us there to minister with the local people for a couple of days.
Saturday afternoon, after setting up our mosquito nets, we went into town to do open air drama, worship, testimonies and pray with people. This was an awesome time!! The locals sit in a shaded area and drink coconut wine all morning and afternoon and sometimes just pass out on a table. We began our worship and many people were gathering to see what was up...next we did a few testimonies and some drama. The locals really listened and we were able to pray with many of them. I know God was working in many hearts.
We then met with the pastor's small bible study group..about eight local shop owners and had an incredible time of prayer!! God really was ministering to hearts as the tears fell..a precious time. It just amazes me to see how God works when we step out to encourage and minister to one another!! He is always faithful to show up!!
I was so blessed by the God and how he moved this day.
We walked about 15 minutes back to camp and the Filipinos cooked a wonderful meal for us...camp style of course...over an open fire. They picked a few banana leaves to serve the food on and it was awesome!!
So after a tough night's sleep we were sent out in groups of 5 to 4 churches. Here is where the fun begins!!!! My classmate Dawn and I, in our skirts, climbed onto the back of a small motor cycle and began the journey to church..Vicki, Tom and Benji were on two other bikes. We rode about ten minutes on a paved road..took a left onto a VERY bumpy dirt road and proceeded for another ten to fifteen minutes. The dirt road ended and we drove about 100 yards in the grass and came to the edge of a rice field...that is as far as the motor bikes would take us. :) We then began to walk through the rice field on a small path. There were coconut trees, rice and a few cows around but I could see no church!! WE walked about three hundred yards and curved left at the coconut trees...my mind was racing about how BIG GOD is!! I was wondering what He was thinking as he looked down on us walking...I was laughing at being half way around the world from my home..walking through a rice field, staring at the funny looking cows, getting these prickly things in my skirt and dodging cow patties. IT WAS TRULY A MOMENT I NEVER WANT TO FORGET!! All I could think was "there is a church out here somewhere and they need encouragement". It was dead quiet..Dawn had just been talking about how she missed the English countryside..this was a welcome silence as it is VERY noisy here...everywhere!!
So back to the journey...we curved left and walked another several hundred yards. Just around the bend of a few more trees there is was..the smallest, cutest little church you have ever seen!! Right in the middle of a rice field. It had no walls but four posts and a roof..they extended it a bit with a tarp..all together it would hold maybe 25 people. But because Sunday was their 2 year anniversary as a church, about 40 attended the service and they fed us a lovely meal afterwards. What a day..I really want to remember it forever!! :) God's people are everywhere!! Even at a place that seems to be at the end of the earth. :)
I will write more about this trip in a day or two...time is gone now but there is much more to tell!! Forgive any mistakes...typing fast!!
Love you guys!!! Blessings.