Sunday, July 1, 2007


Hello everyone,

Monday is our free day so a bunch of us came to the mall to email. After lunch we will go to a place called Rock Springs for a swim. It is in a tropical rain forrest so the water will be clean and very cold!! Refreshing as it is very hot and humid here.
We went for a prayer walk in a place called Tagoloan last night...think that is spelled was wonderful and yet so hard to see...we all fought back tears. The children are warm and so BEAUTIFUL!!! My blonde hair and fair skin draws quite a crowd. Many look into your and seem to shy away. I found myself walking to them and wanting to let them know that I SEE THEM..touching their hands or just really giving them a smile, individually...i hope that makes sense. My heart senses that they feel invisible and lost in this place. I can't tell you how beautiful and precious these people are. This area has been targeted as a primary place for ministry while we are here. We have a medical team that will give a free clinic many times...the medical team is called IPHC and they also attended school at the King's Lodge for the past 12 weeks. A local pastor has been working in this community and feels there may be opportunity for a big break through! Please pray for God to be real to them...I pray we can show them HIS love and that they will cling to him even as we leave.
As we rode the Jeepney in from the airport I found myself really understanding how much we ALL NEED matter our situation...It just became very real and crystal clear that ultimately, He is what we must all cling to...He is the answer. We are all so similar...just people who need matter where we live or what we have...or don't have...God WILL PROVIDE!! My prayer is that we can somehow show his love to the people here in a way that they will understand...he is all we need.
I love you all and miss you very much. Blessings!!!


Hope_G said...

can we get a photo posted of a 'jeepney'? glad you are settling in and sensing the Lord's sweet presence!

Anonymous said...

hay it's brother . i'm so proud of you. i just want you to know spell check aint no big deal u from alabama baby lol. text when u can life is better here . we all send our luv brother!