Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Iligan City

What weekend. We were in a city named Iligan that is about 2 hours from Caygayan. About 50 of us made the trip as another 50 stayed back. We were about 10 miles outside of Iligan when we were met by a "welcoming committee"...a police escort and federal military guards. We travelled into the city with lights flashing and sirens roaring...it was quite a scene. We arrived at the Iligan City Hall and greeted but hundreds of citizens, city officials, pastors from about 30 churches and a marching band...we were all overwhelmed!
This trip was not planned but came about as a result of our leader meeting with city officials here in Cayagan...when Maged met with the officials and the pastors of Iligan he said the unity among the pastors was not good...they wanted us to come for 3 weeks but we could only commit to 3 days...the Lord said 3 days. Some of the pastors expressed 3 weeks or don't come at all but most pleaded for us to visit their city and minister to the people...there has not been western missionaries there in well over 10 years due to danger.
We hit the streets immediately Friday afternoon and really felt the Lord's presence. Our groups consisted of one westerner, several Filipinos, a security guard and sometimes a local pastor...it has been such a pleasure to walk and minister with the locals here!! One westerner meant I was to go it alone...alone in the sense of not really knowing my interpreters and being the only white person...those we visited looked to us who had come so far to talk with them about God. I was challenged to rely on the Lord to give me the words and He did...I can't tell you what a blessing this has been. On Saturday afternoon I had the privilege to meet with Gabriel and his wife Enriquita....he is 70 and she is 63. They are both Christians and know Jesus as their savior....Gabriel recently had a tumor removed from his intestine and must have another one to reconnect the intestine soon...the problem is money. I prayed with and held his wife as she cried...she is so worried about how they will fund this....they are old, poor and already depend on their children to eat. Gabriel is strong and you can see it!!! He is a GREAT candidate for the surgery...the cost is only $700. I hope those of you who read this will pray about contributing to this couple...as I prayed I really felt the Lord wanted to bless them...not only with the finance but with a full and quick healing from the surgery. They are so beautiful..smiling and in good spirits in spite of the circumstance. It was a blessing to see the Lord touch Enriquita as we prayed.
I had the privilege to lead a young man to the Lord on Friday afternoon. His name is Julito and he was our guide...it was a very special moment that I will never forget it...he asked me to tell him how to pray...how to live for Jesus...it was AWESOME to see this young man set free!!! Thank you Lord!!
There is SO MUCH TO TELL but I have to go now. I will write more tomorrow...thank you for your prayers...I know they are heard!!

1 comment:

Vince said...

Cindy...WOW! :)

It is so encouraging to see God break into people's lives who the world has turned their back on. God bless you, God bless you, God bless you! You are an amazing woman.
